Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Girl Scout Day Camp 2009

Last week Saige went to Girl Scout Day camp. As I watched her get on the camp bus the first day I kept thinking, "she doesn't seem old enough for something like this, does she?", even though some of the girls were even younger than she. As I watched her get off the bus that day, I had a mommy moment (choking back tears so I didn't look foolish in front of the other moms, although they would have understood) I just couldn't believe how grown-up she was. She steps off the bus with her jeans on (a big accomplishment for her if you are familiar with her clothing issues), her bandana in her hair, a ponytail frazzled from a day in the sun and wind, and the slightest sunburn on her cheeks....it just happens so fast. She is truly a grown up girl, well maybe not grown up, but she's not a little girl anymore.

Each time one of our kids hits a milestone (first day of school/preschool, losing their first tooth, going to their first friend birthday party, going on their first playdate, etc.) I'm always struck with the feeling that they are growing up so fast. Somedays I long for the days when they are more self sufficient, when I don't have to brush four sets of teeth every night and every morning, when I don't have to do six little pigtails every morning......but I know someday I will miss having kids who need me, so I will try a little harder to appreciate these times instead of wishing them away!

Anyway, here are some picts of Saige and all of her Brownie friends!

1 comment:

m and a said...

I know that feeling exactly.