Monday, June 2, 2008

Random thought: That evil Television

Okay, I know as "good parents" we're supposed to discourage our kids from watching T.V. It's evil, right? A bad influence? It encourages laziness? Discourages creativity? Contributes to childhood obesity? Well....I think T.V. has gotten a bad rap! Can I tell you how much my life has improved since my 1 1/2 year old, incredibly active boy has FINALLY found a show he will sit and watch for 30 minutes! Thank you to the Disney channel! We love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Even though I have to sit and watch it with him, it holds his attention and it allows me to have at least one complete thought a day!


Jaimie said...

Spongebob ROCKS! Wahoo TV!!

Matt, Rachel, Madden and Halle said...

Yeah for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! It is still one of Madden's favorite shows. I don't know how I would have survived last year without it.

Amber said...

Amen to that! Disney channel has great shows!