Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grocery discussions

John and I are having a "discussion" about our family food budget. Perhaps you have had similar "discussions". Since I'm the one that does most of the grocery shopping and food preparation, I think he loses touch with how much it costs to feed a family of 6. I went back in our recent bank statements for the past three months and added up what we spend at Walmart, Hyvee, Big V, Target, Whole foods, and Costco for the entire month. I was shocked! It really is a lot of money, and it does also include certain household items as well. But I thought that perhaps he was right (did I just say that?). BUT, then I did a google search for food budget calculators and linked to this site at the USDA.

For our family of 6 on the moderate plan, it figures $1169 per month. On the low cost plan it would be $1056. Let's just say I'm not admitting to anyone being "right" yet, I am well within the parameters that good ole' Uncle Sam has figured and that is including Wyatt's gluten free casein free foods which are at least 3 times as expensive as regular food.

The "discussion" will continue....


Anaise said...

Groceries cost a stinkin' fortune these days . . . especially with Wyatt's special foods. I checked out the site and found that I stay just within the "thrifty" level for our family, but barely, and that's because we stock up on whole grains from the church cannery and make stuff from scratch.

It is really hard to stretch a dollar and feed your family "real" food these days.

Unknown said...

Oh that is depressing.

The Valsy said...

Anderson value plan would be $780. I will let you know. We feed a lot of extra mouths like friends etc...

m and a said...

I never knew such a thing existed. You made me feel better about going over budget every month. Since I have budgeted well below the thrifty level for my family, I suppose it was unrealistic to begin with.

Jenika said...

Nice to know that Danny and I are essentially "thrifty" - according to some government economist someone-or-other.

It doesn't look like they adjust for region...I remember being SHOCKED the summer after freshman year of college when I went grocery shopping for the first time on my own. Connecticut food prices were MUCH higher than Idaho prices. Sometimes a few dollars more for the same item! I think Danny and I eat really well for the money we spend. Probably wouldn't in NYC.

Sam Ransom said...

Thanks for posting this! I guess I way under budget for our family. That makes me feel a lot better actually! I'm going to show this to James tonight when he gets home! I've finally jumped on the coupon wagon at least for the things I already buy and that is making a big difference for us!